How to Pray: A Prayer Guide For The Non-Religious

A Non-Religious Beginner’s Guide to Prayer

Wellness Xplora
4 min readOct 20, 2020
Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

What is Prayer?

Fundamentally, prayer is simply the act of communication. Communicating with the intention of connecting with the unseen parts of the universe & nature, that are also a part of you i.e. the Creator, the All, God. As well as the universal/natural hierarchy of helpers; the Ancestors, Angels, Arch- Angels, and Spirit Guides.

I’m not religious. Can I Still Pray?

You don’t need to belong to any particular religion to be able to pray. It is your Divine Human Right.

As long as you understand there’s a Universal CREATIVE POWER behind the intelligent design of this Universe, prayer is an accessible tool that can be used to access and commune with this Divine Force.


As easily as language rolls of the tongues of humankind…

So does prayer emanate from the hearts of humankind…

Waiting to reach out, and connect with its Creator.

The urge to commune with something bigger can be seen as a natural urge.

Especially, in difficult times.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

How to Pray? Is there a right or wrong way?

If prayer is communication, then the contents of prayer are simply, words powered by the emotions which accompany them.

Then there is no right or wrong way to pray!! All you need is a sincere heart…

Words from the heart…

Honest and true words for God, about the state and conditions of your heart and mind.

Gratitudes you have.

The petitions you have on your hearts,

The help you need in your life

And access to the power you need to step into the god-being that you were created to be.

Do not be afraid to just communicate, as you would with a friend. Your closest non-judgmental friend who always shows up for you shows you, love, accepts you unconditionally. Holds you tight and wraps you in warm cuddly bundles of love.

Prayer is easy and simple. You do not need to complicate things or spend hours and hours praying, screaming to the point of exhaustion for God to be able to hear you, because God lives within you also. (However, if you prefer to pray like this, go for it). But if that’s not your style, you don’t need to force it. Never feel the need to ascribe to any particular style of prayer that doesn’t resonate or feel good to you. Prayer is personal, so it can be personalized.

You also do not need to be able to pray in tongues for your prayers to reach God.


My best suggestion for prayer is to speak to God / Divine as you would speak to a close friend. Drop all the pretentiousness, because this high power ultimately knows and understands the state of your heart, mind, and intention. Be yourself fully, for God knows all of you, and accepts it all in a loving embrace.

You do not need to be afraid to approach prayer because, outside of religion — there are no defined rules on how to approach, connect and communicate with the Divine / Higher Power / God.

Times you can pray

Anytime really!!

The morning when you wake

Before all meals, drinks, water (a simple one line of gratitude for what you have is a wonderful practice to aspire to cultivate )

Before driving

Before going on a trip

Before bedtime

Really and truly there are no rules.

So pray how and whenever you feel the urge and desire to pray. Pray to God, the Divine, Ancestors, etc, knowing they are part of you and there to assist in many ways beyond your imagination.

Don’t be ashamed or feel unworthy of using this remarkably life-changing tool to enhance the quality of your life.

I highly recommend adding prayer to your daily routine.

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Wellness Xplora

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