Are people active on Medium on the weekends?

Is Medium popping on the weekends?

Wellness Xplora


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Is Medium popping on the weekends? Or are things a little slow around here on the weekends?

What do you think?

I’ve been actively writing on Medium consistently for close to two months now, and I can’t tell if things are a little slow around here on the weekends.

Or maybe, I’m just a little less engaged on the platform during the weekends.

I usually write on Medium most weekends too, but I’m starting to wonder if I should be taking weekends off to rejuvenate and rest, instead.

Medium writers, I want to know, how do you spend your weekends?

Are you spending a couple of hours, reading and writing on here?

Or self-caring, socializing, and relaxing?

Or, Netflixing and chilling?

I really want to know.

How did I spend my weekend? I took the day off yesterday to rest and work on another project, but I must admit I had a little FOMO not spending a lot more time here, reading, writing, and engaging.

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Wellness Xplora

Tech and Travel Writer. Digital Entrepreneur. Expat/Digital Nomad. Inspiring You To Live Well & Earn Well. Contact me: